Laceby Acres OOSC is based at within the grounds of Laceby Acres Academy Swiftsure Crescent Grimsby North East Lincolnshire. Our children who attend here are aged 3 years to 12 years old and are collected from Laceby Acres Academy and surrounding schools.
Our Breakfast club runs from 7.30 am until 8.45am, when we take the children to school. For breakfast, the children have a selection of cereal, toast and pancakes. They are encouraged to make their own breakfast with help and support on standby.
Children brush their teeth and have a drink of water before going to school as part of our healthy routine. During the summer months, we also ensure children apply sun cream before going to school. These are all to promote a healthy lifestyle and children's understanding of keeping safe and healthy.
Our After-School Club runs from 3.30pm until 6.00pm. We collect the children from collection points within the school and we ensure their teachers know we have collected them. We ensure children do collect all their belongings as much as we can.
At tea time, our children have a light snack which can be wraps, pittas, crackers, pasta, beans on toast, soup. The children have created a menu and they are encouraged to prepare their own snack. They are given lots of encouragement and support as this can be a new experience for them.
Children engage in many different activities with us. This can include cooking, computer and I.T., board games, role playing and craft........lots of craft! Children enjoy being creative after a long school day.
Places are available on a first come, first served basis, which is different to how nursery places are allocated. For more information about places and availability, please contact us.