Our Holiday Club runs for approximately 13 weeks per year, throughout most of the school holidays. This runs from our Riverside site.
Our opening times during holidays are 7.30am - 6.00pm, Monday to Friday, for children up to 12 years old. This allows us plenty of time to have exciting and challenging activities like cooking, den building and craft...lots of craft! Children participate in planning activities, so they can learn the value of their opinion and contribute to their own learning environment.
We provide breakfast, which can consist of toast, crumpets, and cereal, and a homecooked tea the same as the Nursery children. The menu board is outside the kitchen for Parents and children to see. There is also juice, water and milk available throughout the day accompanied by an open fruit bowl. Children will need to bring a packed lunch if they are with us over lunch time.
To help ensure we are able to keep the children interested, engaged and enjoying their time with us, during longer school holidays, we try to take children out of the setting for day trips to child friendly and interesting places. We also have many other specialised activities planned.