Laceby Acres

We have been attached to Laceby Acres Academy since we opened in 2003 moving to our current location after a full refurbishment in 2010.


Our setting provides childcare from the age of 2 to 12 years. We have one room and we open from 7:30am- 6:00 pm.


7:30am - 8:50am we operate our breakfast club for our Pre-School children and children who attend the academy.


Our Pre-School session are between 8:50am and 3:20pm some of the preschool children then attend our Out of School club from 3.20pm – 6.00pm we also collect children from the academy and other local schools.


Providing excellent care and education covering the wide age range.  


We have a well-qualified team who all have a variety of qualifications in childcare and play work from a Level 3 qualification to degree level, the staff are dedicated in achieving the best outcomes for your child.


We have very good working partnership with our families and our parents and Grandparents to pre-school days are very successful, receiving excellent feedback.


We were inspected by OFSTED in June 2023, they said...


"Children of all ages enjoy this calm, welcoming and nurturing pre-school environment. They leave their parents with ease upon arrival and are enthusiastically greeted by staff. Children form warm and trusting relationships with staff, who encourage them to feel safe and secure. For example, children readily go to them for cuddles and reassurance. This helps to support children's personal, social and emotional development well."


"Children show positive attitudes to their learning. They have many opportunities to explore and gain new skills in this well-resourced learning environment. For example, children learn mathematical skills as they roll a dice and match the number to the number of dinosaurs they collect."


"Staff encourage children to explore the natural world and investigate their surroundings. For instance, children show visitors their pear tree and look carefully at the leaves."


"Children make good progress and develop the key skills needed to be ready for school. Children behave very well. Staff act as positive role models and talk to children in a calm and respectful manner. They gently remind them about the need to share, take turns and consider the needs of others. Children are kind and show consideration towards others. They show excellent manners and learn to selfregulate their emotions well."


"Children develop an understanding of the world around them. Older children point to a map and tell visitors which country they live in. Children are taught well about similarities and differences and the world in which we live. They learn about a variety of cultures and different celebrations through activities and conversations"


"Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive high-quality tailored support. The special educational needs coordinator has a deep understanding of each child's needs. She works effectively with other professionals to ensure children get the right support to help them succeed. This means that all children make good progress in their learning."


"Parents who contributed their views at the inspection hold the pre-school and staff in very high regard. They say that their children have made good progress, particularly with their speech and language development. Staff work in partnership with parents to support children's development and learning. For example, parents are invited into the pre-school to family stay-and-play sessions."


"The management team is passionate and committed to providing high-quality education and care for children. Staff say that they feel valued and enjoy working at the pre-school. They have opportunities to further develop their knowledge and expertise through ongoing professional development. For example, staff have recently attended a sleep training course to allow them to support children and their families"



Telephone numbers:

Precious Times

Riverside: 01472 340800


Precious Times

Laceby Acres: 01472 872143

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