Healthy Eating

At Precious Times we strive to offer all children a healthy and balanced diet.


We follow the Government's 'Eat Better, Start Better' guidelines and ensure all the foods offered to the children meet these. We are inspected by the Local Authority's Food Hygiene department and both settings currently have 5 stars.


We provide children with whole milk and water throughout the day. 



Riverside is a nut and egg free setting lunch boxes will be checked daily.

At Riverside the children are offered breakfast, mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack and tea which includes a pudding - all our meals are carefully planned and prepared by our cook, Chris.


The tea and snack time menus are displayed outside the kitchen for easy reference.


Breakfast time: 7.30am to 8.30am. The children can select from a range of cereals plus toast and crumpets.


Snack time: 10am. The children are offered a selection of fruits with a drink of milk


Lunches: 12pm. We ask that children are provided with a packed lunch, please ensure that their lunch box is clearly named and that any pots etc inside are also named. We are unable to store items in the fridge so ask that you include a freezer pack to keep items cool. Lunch boxes should be placed on the trolley outside the room.


Tea time: 4pm. A fresh, home cooked meal is offered to the children this is cooked and prepared on site.


We encourage a policy of 'protected meal times' to ensure the least distrution possible to our children while eating. If you arrive to collect during these time you will be asked to wait in the hallway and your child will be bought out to you.


Laceby Acres:

At Laceby Acres the children are offered breakfast, mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack and for those staying for after school a light tea.


Breakfast time: 7.45am to 8.30am. The children can select from a choice of cereals, toast, pancakes and crumpets.


Snack time: 10am and 2pm. The children are offered a selection of fruits with a drink of milk


Lunches: 12pm. We ask that children are provided with a packed lunch, please ensure that their lunch box is clearly named and that any pots etc inside are also named. We are unable to store items in the fridge so ask that you include a freezer pack to keep items cool.


Tea time: 4.00 - 4.30pm. A light tea is offered


Our Healthy Eating Policies are available within the Policies and Information section.





Telephone numbers:

Precious Times

Riverside: 01472 340800


Precious Times

Laceby Acres: 01472 872143

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